
Indie Comix Dispatch reviews Lemonade Summer!

“Lemonade Summer is a fantastically inclusive, light-hearted anthology comic, that I am simply in love with. Each comic focuses on small moments and relationships and gives you a sense of comfort. The art style is fairly simple, with a monochromatic color scheme, but that only adds depth to each scene, instantly focusing your eye on the star of each panel.

What really speaks volumes is the inclusivity of each story. I am always looking for stories that portray LGBTQ characters in situations that aren’t just about them being LGBTQ without erasing their queerness. Lemonade Summer accomplishes that wonderfully. Whether it’s genderfluid pirates, or sapphic roller skaters each story shines on its own, but in the collection, they create a heartwarming and sometimes connected anthology.  “ - Anna Hillesheim

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